
Let the Festivities Begin

So, we're home and raring to go! I did the Christmas cards before we left, so today I'll pop them into the mail. I will do some more easy decorating later. The tree will go up this weekend. I try to do most of my shopping during the week, when it's less crowded. I'd like have it finished by next weekend. I have a hankering to make banana bread, but not an overripe banana in sight.

Tonight we will attend a performance of The Buttcracker II, Turn the Other Cheek. We laughed for days after seeing the first Buttcracker. We are taking new people to see it, so it will be fun to watch their reaction to the ridiculousness on stage.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

The Buttcracker II - oh dear lord and lady, I LOVE it! Sounds like something that I could bring my family to.

Happy decorating!