Today is all that last minute pulling together for Burning Man. Driving around town is an eye-opening experience. Burnerspotting is our favorite activity. You can always tell by the massive amount of stuff crammed into a car or truck with beat-up bikes tied on top. The parking lots of Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Trader Joe’s are a circus of RV’s in various stages of loading.
For the last few weeks, we’ve been costume gathering, baking, and preparing meals. We like to have as much pre-done as possible. Cooking out there is a low priority, and no one wants to use the water to wash pots and pans. We make things like chicken enchiladas or that can be cooked in the sun oven. Or pasta salad and a corn/black bean salad that are great served cold. I baked oatmeal cookies and banana bread. Add some cereal, fresh fruit, and sandwiches and it’s enough to last all week.
Today was the final loading of the bikes and necessities. After going six times, we have the routine down pretty well. We have our dust masks, head lamps, goggles, and glow sticks. Also, the camera is ready so I can post pictures.
We will leave at 6AM, because we want to get there and set up camp before it gets too hot. Brad’s sister is going for the first time. I am still debating taking the laptop. They have wi-fi, but the dust is brutal. If I leave it at home, my next entry will be next Tuesday. Check back.
1 comment:
right on. had no idea you are a burner, my sister has been there all week, her first time. i can't wait to see your photos!
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