I am eating a batch right now. I have to keep stopping so I can munch a handful. People rarely pop corn any more since the microwave version appeared, but microwave popcorn is very bad for you, full of nasty transfats, sodium and that artificial flavor that is sickening the factory workers. And I’m supposed to put it in my mouth?! I don’t think so.
Jeremy and Dawn got me my own air popper last Christmas (an excellent gift idea for you). I am a very precise popcorn maker; it’s all in the technique. Start with the butter; yes, it has to be real butter. This is the reason I can only eat popcorn once in awhile, but also the reason it is a special treat. Melt it in the microwave while you set up the popper, a big bowl, get out the salt. Don’t use that little butter tray thing; it doesn’t work and then you have to wash it. When the butter is done, then start the popcorn. As the popcorn fills the bowl, slowly dribble the melted butter over it while spinning the bowl with one hand to evenly distribute it on all levels. When it’s done add a generous sprinkle of Kosher salt.
we are glad you enjoy your popper! I think it's the best gift I have ever got you because you didn't even ask for it. We just knew it would be something bitchin for you.
Love Jeremy and Dawn
I wish I could pop soom popcorn right now however, I'm in the middle of a move and my pots and popcorn are at the other house.
Love, Vickie
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