I was going list the 10 best things to do when you’re feeling bad, but it came out like this: take a walk, make a cup of tea, draw a bath…blah, blah, blah. Instead I decided to list the more unusual things I do when I want to feel better.
- Take one of those 12 hour Advil pills. For various vague pains and to thwart any pre-headaches.
- Get some sun. I know the tan-a-phobes are going to have a heart attack, but I truly believe we need sun to survive. A 15-20 minute session is necessary to produce Vitamin D and absorb calcium. Studies prove it helps with depression. Yes, I know that it’s cold outside, but it’s worth it to me.
- Hide in the library. And I don’t take my cell phone. No one can find me. I look at all the new releases and wander through the gardening, designing, travel sections. I look at any little thing that catches my eye. Then I go over to the magazine stacks and grab a few that look different. I soak up the pictures, not necessarily reading the words, but I learn a lot this way.
- Call Martha. She’s going to be surprised because I don’t do it often, but there’s no better listener on the face of the earth.
- Burn Patchouli. I know, most people can’t stand it, but it reminds me of Burning Man and those are always happy thoughts.
- Watch Friends re-runs for six hours straight. I guess it’s not very unusual. You do it too, don’t you?
- Read. Bury yourself in a blanket, curl up, and don’t look up again until you feel like it.
- If you can’t concentrate on a whole book, clear out magazines. They’re mostly visual and you can skip articles you don’t care about. And it gives you a feeling of accomplishment to reduce the stack.
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