This very lazy cook has found the key to happiness: real homemade crusty delicious bread! In my new obsession with Mother Earth News (reading every article in all the back issues), I located a story about Easy, No Knead Bread written by the authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, scientist Jeff Hertzberg and CIA chef Zoe Francois.
I figured I'd give it a whirl. I did buy the bread flour because it makes a thicker bread, which I prefer. I found out that an old glass mixing bowl works perfectly fine on my KitchenAid, if you kept your hand on it. So I can mix the dough and let it rise and keep it in the frig all in the same bowl and they don't even recommend washing it between uses either!

I have ordered the book from the library and have dreams of herb breads, pizza doughs, and cinnamon rolls dancing in my head.
Wow Cathy, the bread looks fantastic. When I saw the first photo's, I thought ~ someone else must have been baking. I know Brad doesn't bake. I am so impressed.
Cathy, this looks like the bread a soaper in AU makes, it is a 5 min making bread and I could even make it, it is yummy. She has a nice blog, she is a world traveler like you and your mom, she is in bali now, check it out. bread is halfway down the page.
Michelle in NV
I can't thank you enough for sending this link. I could not figure out how to transfer the dough onto the hot pizza stone, until I read that she uses parchment paper--brilliant!
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