
Grateful Friday (at last!)

definitely not gambling
a comment from Delena, who reminds me that I need to be grateful on Fridays
promising business plans
orange juice with chai, cool and spicy at the same time
grand circle travel matched my haiti donation, so it was like giving double
trying to guess who is in the rock star tour bus next door to us


  1. Cathy,
    Even more spectacular that two people who only know by blogging would take a picture of the same rainbow. I even peeked in at your blog after I loaded my picture. The world really is small. Enjoy your stay in Yuma and hopefully it will get a lot warmer tomorrow.

  2. Are you still in Yuma? Mom and dad are there now. We drove them down during Christmas break. Keely did a tour at U of A. I started a little blog about the Carson Valley and soap. I talk too much. At first I think I will have nothing to say, then I never shut up. :)


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