
Tuesday Quick Hints

Brining Meat: This makes a tremendous difference in any meat that you cook, roast, stew, fry, or bbq. It will be soft and tender and tasty. Mix ½ cup of kosher salt with 1 qt water. You can add sugar and/or herbs too if you want it to be even more flavorful. Soak the meat for at least 4 hours.

Buy Matching Socks: I have about six pairs of white and six pairs of black, all identical. I never have a problem with matching or missing socks.

Clean Your Kitchen Stuff: Once in awhile, meaning rarely, I take everything on my kitchen counter that can go in the dishwasher – the tea kettle, the head of the can opener, the sponge, the drain strainers, the crock next to the stove and all of the utensils in it—and run a load.

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