
Tuesday Quick Hints -- Chinese Style

Green Tea Face Mask – Dr. Tea told us what women use to firm and soften their faces. I’ve tried it twice and was amazed at how soft my face was afterwards. It’s not as messy as it sounds.

Leave the green tea leaves in the bottom of a cup when you’re done drinking the tea. Add one egg white, one teaspoon of milk, one teaspoon of honey. Apply to face and neck. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse off and moisturize.

Table Runner on the Bed – In the luxurious hotel they had laid a table runner across the foot of the bed. It dressed up the plain bed covers beautifully. So easy.

Accupressure Points -- At the Chinese Medical Center we were shown the three points you need to massage every day for good all over health, to keep your energy flowing. Here's a great website that explains all the points and symptoms. No medicine necessary.

Thrift Store Clothes – one of our traveling companions, Tara, told me that she bought all the clothes for the trip at thrift stores. Then when she finished wearing them, she left them in the hotels. She assumes that they will be given to someone who needs them and she doesn’t feel bad about giving them up because she paid very little for them. That way she had more room in her suitcase for all the things she bought.

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